Thursday, July 16, 2009

Summer Serving

Summer is here and it is hot, hot, hot at the Dorcas House. All the children are out for school and some days it feels like pure mayhem! However, one of the really fun things about summer is that we get a lot more teenage groups of volunteers who are also on summer break and willing to pour their time and energy out on the "least of these" just out of sheer devotion to Jesus. So there they are outside my office door, patiently taping off the woodwork in the hall so they can paint yet again. They have already painted walls and murals in the Daycare, upstairs dorms, and cleaned almost every reachable part of the House. They have also brought in supplies that we desperately needed. They've spent hours entertaining children who need to be told again and again in subtle ways that they are safe and loved. They have helped repair the House, but more importantly they have helped repair the souls of the population dearest to the heart of God, the widows and orphans, the poor, the outcasts. Not once this week have I heard them complain or bicker. How strange they must seem to the youth around them who are spending their summer thinking only of themselves! But we can give our lives away when it is done out of gratitude and devotion to the One who gave His life away for us! I think they should all have t-shirts that proclaim, "I am lovesick" Proverbs 5:8

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